

10 Need-to-Know Video Marketing Statistics for 2019

More companies, large and small, are recognizing the power of putting their workplace and/or staff in front of the camera with video marketing. However, we still meet many people who are not sure if video marketing can be effective.

Rip Roarin Productions understands your apprehension. As we continue into the second month of the new year, our minds are full with fresh ideas for progress in 2019. If you’re a fellow business owner, we’re sure you have the same feeling of motivation. But how can you make a better marketing plan for the future without first truly knowing how something performed in the past?

How can you know if video marketing can be effective without a progress report? That’s why we’ve done the hard work for you and gathered these top 10 statistics about the effectiveness of video marketing from 2018. Take a look through these top 10:

Video Marketing Graphic

Note: The statistics in this article, unless otherwise noted, were produced through Vidyard in their 2018 Video in Business Benchmark Report. To view the full report, click on this link.

1. Cisco has projected that more than 80% of all Internet traffic will be video by 2021.

Aside from Google, YouTube gets more traffic than any site on the internet today. Videos keep people on sites for longer as well as keeping the visitors engaged. People will expect to find some on every site they visit, including yours!

2. More video content is uploaded in 30 days than the major U.S. television networks have created in 30 years.

Related to the statistic above, there is so much content being produced every day that brands need to be keeping up with trends and changes to reach their audiences.

3. There is no direct correlation between company size and number of videos produced.

Creating videos can be done on a budget! Many smaller companies are catching up to larger companies in terms of video production because there are less hoops to jump through to complete and publish the final product.

4. According to Forbes, 90% of customers say video helps them make buying decisions and 64% of customers say that seeing a video makes them more likely to buy.

Regardless of what business you are in, customers want a first-hand experience of what they are to expect of your company. It is not enough anymore to put some text and a picture. The proof is with the customers and video is what they want!

Components of Video Marketing

5. 86% of businesses use video on their website and 77% use video on social media.

There is no denying of the impact social media has on business. Not only will customers be expecting video on your website, they will be expecting it from your social media pages. How you differentiate yourself from the others makes a difference.

6. The average portion of viewers remaining by the end of a video is 46%. Video length plays a big role in retention.

While customers want to see video, they don’t want to have to stick around too long to get the message. Shorter videos have a higher completion rate. Everyone is busy and wants their information compacted and to the point.

7. Video in email leads to 200-300% increase in customer interaction with your link(s).

All businesses send out emails to their customers and/or prospective customers. Embedding videos in your business’s emails will keep your customers engaged as well as keeping your emails out of their junk folder.

8. Video in sales conversations has marked increase from 25% to 37%.

Video is not only used for marketing but can be useful with your sales teams as well!

9. 89% of views of business-related videos take place on desktop browsers, compared to 11% on mobile devices.

Possibly the most surprising statistic on the list but not if you consider the video focused on a screen or a graphic to explain something. The data shows that people are more likely to view it on a larger display.

Video Marketing Display

10. The middle of the week is the most popular for video/email views, with 7AM-11AM on Tuesday seeing yielding the highest results.

An unusual statistic but it definitely does not hurt to have a little guidance on the most ideal times to publish or promote your business to your customers.

It’s not our intention to pressure you, but it’s hard to argue with those numbers and statistics, right? We think so. If you’ve been trying to convince your boss to get on board with video marketing, we encourage you to print this out and bring it with you to your next meeting! Share these statistics with your team and start a conversation about video marketing in 2019. Or, if you’re a business owner reading this, we encourage you to give contact Rip Roarin Productions with any questions! You can call us at (267) 597-1477 or contact us online today.